
Gov’t pledges 100% support to GNPC in Aker Energy deal

Energy Minister Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh has stated that the government is fully behind Ghana National Petroleum Corporation in the Aker Energy deal.

He said this at the swearing-in of the Board of the GNPC in Accra on Tuesday, August 31, 2021.

According to him, the government will give GNPC its 100 percent support.


He indicated that there are intentions by the Corporation to acquire shares in other fields like the Jubilee, the Springfield and also the Ten fields.

The Minister added that this is to aid the GNPC to gain more experience in the exploration of oil in the country.

“The government is going to support you 100 percent in this direction of local content and the promotion of our petroleum resources in the acquisition of shares in some petroleum. It is not only Aker.”

“I do know there is the intention to go into Aker Energy, there is an intention to go into AGM, there is an intention to go into Springfield and there is also an intention to go into the Jubilee Fields and the Ten fields to acquire not only significant or more shares but more experience in the exploration of agenda of GNPC.”

Some civil society organizations have raised opposition in the
$1.6 billion deal.

The CSOs Ghana is been short-changed.

As a result, the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) working in the extractive industry have petitioned Parliament to stop GNPC from going ahead with the agreement.

They argue that although the contract to give GNPC more oil stakes is in order, the value at which the deal is being reached is a threat to the country’s economic and fiscal prospects and must be looked at again.

By: Rainbowradioonline.com

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