
Group presents report on a 20-year review of judgement debts in Ghana

The Centre for Social Justice, CSJ, has presented a copy of a study it has conducted to the Special Prosecutor Kissi Agyebeng.

The report titled ‘A 20-Year Review of Judgment Debt Payments in Ghana: Impact, Causes and Remedies’ catalogues 20 years of wasteful stewardship of Ghana’s resources on mind-blowing judgment debts.

CSJ presented the report to the Special Prosecutor when they paid a courtesy call on him at his South Ridge office in Accra.


The CSJ team was made up of the Council Chair Dr. Sodzi Sodzi-Tettey and Council Member George Ferguson Laing.

According to him, the report outlines selected case studies for deeper analysis of legal breaches, financial impact and proffers strong recommendations for stemming the haemorrhage including prosecutions.

He was hopeful that CSJ could work with the Office of the Special Prosecutor to address the issue.

On his part, the Special Prosecutor expressed gratitude to the CSJ saying the issue of the judgment debts is one that his office intends to tackle with all the seriousness it deserves.

He said that his office is keen to work with CSOs and the general public to identify and tackle issues related to corruption.

By: Rainbowradioonline.com/Ghana

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