The East Legon Branch of Marwako Fast Food which was shut down for some months over the food poisoning saga will be reopened to the public.
The Food and Drugs Authority in a statement issued today, Friday, July 8, 2022, said the reopening of the Fast-food company follows the Authority’s satisfaction with the company’s implementation of corrective prevention actions (CAPA).
“The Food and Drugs Authority hereby lifts the suspension of catering services placed on your facility at East Legon,” the statement noted.
The Food and Drugs Authority shut down the food company following complaints of food poisoning.
The FDA in a statement announcing the decision said “The FDA has taken notice of complaints from the public about the suspected food poisoning at the East Legon Branch of Marwarko Restaurant.
“We have closed down the restaurant and, together with other relevant agencies, started investigations”, the FDA added.
The FDA after a probe into the matter asked the company to put in corrective measures to address issues of contamination and other unhygienic cooking practices.
After weeks the directive was issued, the FDA says “it is satisfied with the progress made in the implementation of the CAPA to forestall any future food poisoning incidence”.
It added that the FDA “will be conducting follow-up inspections in line with timelines specified in your CAPA to ensure full compliance to the code of hygiene practices.”