Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta says the inclusion of the African Union in the Group of 20 – a platform for 20 of the world’s most industrialised and developing economies was a positive news.
He opined that it will afford Africa an opportunity to contribute to crucial global issues and push for reforms to drive economic development across the continent.
“There had been a number of decisions taken without Africa on the board and thank God the G20 agreed that Africa will have a seat so we will be part of the designing the solutions to our Global challenges,” the Finance Minister said while addressing a panel on the Energy Transition Accelerator on Septemver 21, 2023.
The event was organised by the Rockefeller Foundation on the sidelines of the ongoing United Nations General Assembly.
The Minister added: “The inclusion of the AU is long overdue and this will create a balance in global institutions”.
The Finance Minister further explained that Africa will come with common positions on issues of international concern, especially the ones that affect the continent the most.
The G20 was formed as an informal group in 1999 in the wake of the Asian financial crisis, providing a platform for finance ministers and central bank governors from 20 of the world’s largest and emerging economies. It later included heads of state and governments.
The group has since widened its scope beyond finance and economics, adding some of the world’s pressing challenges to its agenda. It includes health, climate change, food security, energy and sustainable development.