The convener of pressure group, #FixTheCountry movement, Oliver Mawuse Barker-Vormawor, says he will petition the Office of Special Prosecutor (OSP) over the alleged bribery allegation he levelled against the National Security Minister Kan Dapaah.
The lawyer had alleged that the Akufo-Addo government and the National Security Minister, Kan Dapaah, offered him money and appointments to stop his activism.
Addressing journalists on September 22, after his release and that of his colleagues from cells, he said they were invited to a meeting by the National Security Minister at a secret location.
He however rejected the offers and that was the reason why his group and members were intimidated and harassed for demanding better governance.
The National Security Minister threatened to ensure they were arrested if they continued with their protests, he added.
He said: “Unknown to the government, we have recordings, while I was in the UK, the National Security Minister [Kan Dapaah], called and invited me for a sit-down. The government offered to pay for my flight, in order to meet here in Ghana.
“This was something that was never disclosed to the public, but we met at a safe house, for us to stop our activism, this was way before we started the first #FixTheCountry demonstration. We were offered not only money but appointments, and if we agreed to stop this, we were going to be free, but the most important thing was not to bring citizens onto the streets.
“When we rejected that, Kan Dapaah, the National Security Minister, said to my face that if we decide to continue on this course of action, we will be arrested. We will be dealt with and that, it will be over his dead body any demonstrations will happen. At the time we were even in Supreme Court at the time”
He had promised to release the audio recording this week.
But he had posted a brief post on his Facebook page announcing that his lawyers have advised him to file a petition at the OSP.
“I have resolved upon the advice of lawyers to file a formal criminal complaint against the Minister for National Security.
This will be to made to the Special Prosecutor in connection with the corruption advances made.”