A 15-year-old boy from Drobo Gonasua, Jaman South Municipality, Bono Region, has been arrested for allegedly participating in the murder of his grandmother.
The body of the murdered mother, according to Rainbow Radio reporter Kwame Adez, was found in the backyard of her house and had been covered with a bathing sink three days after she was declared missing, and a search party has been dispatched to find her.
Upon discovering the body, the search party realised that the tongue, vagina, and other body parts of the woman, believed to be in her late 50s, had been cut off by the perpetrators of the murder.
The 15-year-old boy was immediately named as a suspect by his younger brother, who claimed to have seen stains of blood on his hand when he returned to school, but his brother told him it was the blood of a chicken when he asked.
The police were brought in, and the suspect was arrested while the body was taken to the mortuary.
Rainbowradioonline.com will provide updates as the boy is assisting the police in arresting his partners.
By: Joel Eshun/Rainbowradioonline.com/Ghana