
Asanska FC are Champions of the maiden edition the GARFA D3 Super Cup Championship


Asanska FC has been crowned champions of the maiden edition of the GARFA D3 Super Cup Championship.

The competition was a hybrid of qualified Division Three clubs and Division Two clubs from the 12 administrative districts of GARFA in the Greater Accra region.

The best of the best were put together in one league competition to fight for a trophy.
Asanska FC of Ga East DFA emerged as the champion with a 1:0 victory against Accra East DFA’s Sambo 4 FC.


The coach and management of the team have congratulated the team for their dedication, well-deserved victory, and commitment to the team.

Asanska Football Club was founded to serve as a home for identifying and nurturing footballers who will be highly fit and ready for the global soccer market.

The club has put in an immeasurable amount of hard work, time, and commitment to ensuring the best outcome for our player deals is achieved and made a reality.

Through staged matches and tournaments, the club scouts for and identifies young, gifted players for the international football market.

The club further acts as an intermediary for exceptional players playing on other teams who are looking at pursuing professional soccer careers in Europe.

By: Rashid Obodai Provencal/Rainbowradioonline.com/Ghana

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