
Inserting your penis in the anus of another or licking your fellow woman is not a human rights issue; it is a threat to public health – Foh Amoaning 

gay gey

The Executive Secretary of the National Coalition for Proper Human Sexual Rights and Family Values, Moses Foh-Amoaning, has stated that having anal intercourse is not a human right but a public health threat.

According to the private legal practitioner, those who define the LGBTQI+ community’s activities as human rights issues lack logic and are engaging in propaganda.

Lawyer Amoaning declared that anal sex is a threat to public health and can therefore not be classified as a human rights issue.


The consequences of allowing same-sex relationships, he warned, were dire; hence, the passage of the anti-LGBTQI+ Bill was a step in the right direction, and the president must do what is right by assenting to the bill.

Speaking in an interview on Frontline on Rainbow Radio 87.5 FM, he said gay rights are not rights because it is not a natural order.

He said those who have opposed the bill are propagandists who are interested in pushing a false narrative and luring our children into this disgusting practice.

“Fellow Ghanaians, particularly those living abroad, if anyone tells you that LGBTQI+ is a human rights issue, be bold and declare that as false.

The anal region was not designed for sex, so how can you; excuse my language insert your penis in the anus and tell me that it is a human rights issue. Those who classify it as human rights intellectually do not understand the history behind human rights. What do you think will happen if you decide to drink water through your ears or nostrils instead of your mouth?

So, my fellow Ghanaians abroad, is the anus a place for sex? Is the anus an area where you should insert a penis?

I say these things as they are because it is part of the role of LGBTQI+ advocates to hide behind what they do and run away from the consequences of their actions.”

He added “So if someone should tell you that this behaviour, where a man inserts his penis in the anus of another man, is a human rights issue and is only engaging in a false narrative.

Is it also a good thing for a woman to use her tongue to lick another woman? This is not a human right. It is disgusting.”

By: Rainbowradioonline.com/Ghana

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