Ayanna Williams, the world’s longest human fingernail record holder, has finally removed her nails after 29 years of keeping them.
The process was conducted by a team of medical doctors.
The event took place in the United States of America, where Ayanna Williams resides.
Speaking about the event, the lead doctor Allison Readinger, described the incident as something that will “stand out” of her “whole career” as a doctor.
Allison Readinger also referred this as an “interesting experience.”
She was awarded the Guinness World Record in 2018 for being the woman with the longest fingernails in the world.

Ayanna Williams of Houston in Texas, USA, has been growing her nails for more than 20 years.
When Guinness World Records measured them in 2017, they had a combined total length of 576.4 cm (18 ft 10.9 in).
It took Ayanna up to 20 hours – and two bottles of nail polish – to paint her tremendous talons.
In order to protect them, she avoided washing dishes and sleeps with them resting on a pillow.
By: Rainbowradioonline.com/Ghana