The Founder and General Overseer of Believers House of Worship International has expressed surprise at why critics of former President John Daramani Mahama remain mute in the face of the current economic and energy crisis.
Apostle Abraham Lamptey said it is shocking that some individuals found their voice and attacked Mahama at the least opportunity but are silent in the face of the current crisis confronting the people today.
In the sermon he delivered over the weekend, the man challenged these individuals to be bold and call the government out for the crisis we are confronted with.
He particularly made reference to chiefs who also slammed Mr. Mahama during the energy crisis days and questioned their objectivity.
In an outrage, he demanded respect from the leaders of the country regarding the ongoing power cuts and a timetable so Ghanaians could plan their lives.
He said the ongoing crisis is affecting businesses, and yet the government has remained adamant in telling lies about the situation.
He advised that those who have been bought so they will not be able to criticise the government ought to buy themselves out.
He then challenged Ghanaians, particularly his church members, not to allow politicians to buy their votes.
He said that when that happens,it means you have sold your conscience to the politician and will have no moral right to criticise them when they mess up the country.
He also appealed to them to go on social media and speak against what was happening, irrespective of where they belonged.
“If you have been bought, buy yourself out. If you have not spent the money, send it back. Nobody is talking. It is as if the country is on autopilot. Speak up now.”
He stressed that we Ghanaians prefer foolishness and stupidity to effectiveness and good leadership.
“We love to destroy; we love to do foolish things. What we are witnessing is terrible, but because it is NPP, you have refused to speak up.”