Ernesto Yeboah, the leader of the Economic Fighters League, has urged Ghanaians not to get too excited about the National Democratic Congress’s (NDC) victory and its agenda to combat corruption, particularly its Operation Recover All Loot (ORAL).
In an opinion piece, Ernesto Yeboah stated that they spent so much money buying votes to win the elections that they were unable to recover any loot as promised.
He stated that while the previous administration looted the state, the incoming administration will not recover any loot because the two political parties are the same and only use Ghanaians as pawns.
‘’Now, let’s turn to the NDC. Ask yourself: did they really look like a hungry opposition throughout the eight years? I understand your excitement, so I won’t spoil your fun just yet. But when the dust settles, take a step back and analyse things more closely. Look at the resources the NDC poured into their campaign: the quality of their T-shirts, the scale of their media marketing, the high-profile exotic consultants they hired years before the election. Did you notice the money flowing in the constituencies? Some households reportedly received up to GHS 10,000, while individuals were handed over GHS 1,000 or more on voting day. If you know anyone in the police force who worked during the election, ask them how much they were paid.
The truth is, both sides—the NPP and the NDC—spent heavily because they are two sides of the same coin. The duopoly controls the game. What else explains the sudden drop in the dollar from GHS 17 to GHS 14?’’
Read the full opinion piece below
Archive: When I first heard comments like “we punished the NPP,” I assumed they were made in a moment of excitement—that deep down, we all understood the reality. But many days later, I realise this perception has fossilized into fact for some. So, let me ask: did we really punish the NPP by voting them out? I don’t think so. If you truly believe that, then you still don’t understand what has happened to your country.
At the beginning of Akufo Addo’s second term, the NPP was already bored with power. They had stolen enough and were simply looking for the right time and way to hand over to the NDC so they could go and enjoy their loot. Some of them, as I speak to you, are very unwell—so sick, in fact, that they have dialysis machines installed in their homes and need time off to care for themselves. This isn’t a punishment for them; it’s an escape. And if the recently reported story of the National Service payroll loot has any truth to it, what makes you think its beneficiaries could have had the time to focus on their work in the office? They definitely needed time and space to enjoy their haul. Now consider this: the National Service loot is probably among the smallest on the league table of corruption.
This is where some of the decisions the NPP made during their tenure start to make sense when viewed as deliberate mischief or disengagement. It’s a game, and we—ordinary citizens—are the pawns.
Now, let’s turn to the NDC. Ask yourself: did they really look like a hungry opposition throughout the eight years? I understand your excitement, so I won’t spoil your fun just yet. But when the dust settles, take a step back and analyse things more closely. Look at the resources the NDC poured into their campaign: the quality of their T-shirts, the scale of their media marketing, the high-profile exotic consultants they hired years before the election. Did you notice the money flowing in the constituencies? Some households reportedly received up to GHS 10,000, while individuals were handed over GHS 1,000 or more on voting day. If you know anyone in the police force who worked during the election, ask them how much they were paid.
The truth is, both sides—the NPP and the NDC—spent heavily because they are two sides of the same coin. The duopoly controls the game. What else explains the sudden drop in the dollar from GHS 17 to GHS 14?
Yes, people were angry, and they voted. But don’t mistake that anger for punishment. The NPP doesn’t feel punished. On the contrary, they feel relieved. You’ve given them the holiday they desperately needed to sit back and enjoy their loot. This is why recovering the loot is so so so so important. But will it ever be recovered?
We don’t have a democracy. This is a system rigged against you, where the political elite plays chess while you remain the pawn. I hope we all wake up one day.