Organised labour has announced it will stage a nationwide demonstration in the coming months if the government fails to increase its salaries.
According to them, the government should not hide behind the Russia and Ukraine war as the cause of the current economic crisis.
The Organised Labour noted that its findings indicate that 700,000 workers receive low salaries despite the 4 and 7 percent salary increments.
Again labour was extremely upset that after the government woefully granted 4 and 7 percent salary increments, other public sector workers were given 25 percent which they have described as unfair.
He said the exchange rate and the inflation rate have affected them and there was a need for the government to increase their salaries to match the current economic conditions.
Dr. Yaw Baah, Secretary-General of the Organised Labour complained that some workers receive Ghc300 cedis as monthly pension benefits while other workers receive 142,000 cedis as benefits.
He stated that some of them waste their time working for the state but end up with peanuts as pension when they retire.