Pupils at the MA Basic School in the Nsawam AdoagyitiMunicipal Assembly in the Yaw Asepa Asiaw Electoral Area are currently studying in a forest and a cemetery due to the unavailability of a classroom.
Reporting from the scene, Rainbow Radio’s Nhyiraba Kwabena Asirifi said the people are not happy with the situation and are appealing to authorities to assist the school.
He stated that the situation is worst especially when it rains.
According to the Assembly Man, Joseph Yaw Konnor, they have since 2019 chased authorities, but nothing has been done about it.
He disclosed that the invasion of snakes usually threatens the pupils and teachers in the community.
Currently, the community mobilised itself and constructed a makeshift facility to serve as a place for teaching and learning.
The Church of Pentecost in the area has also allocated its church facility to serve as a classroom for students in Junior High School 1 and 2.
The Church says it provided the space for the students since it believes in contributing to the growth of the students.
By: Rainbowradioonline.com/Ghana