Chaplain-General, Ghana Police Service DCOP Very Rev. George Arthur has admonished serving officers and other public servants to groom others to take over from them before they retire.
Speaking at the pulling out ceremony of DCOP Samuel Kwasi Ofori [rtd], the man of God cum senior police officer, asked serving officers and public servants to remember that they will also retire from active service.
He was of the view that good leaders are the ones whose absence would not be felt because they groomed others to take over from them.
”You will exit one day. Prepare for it. However, you have one challenging duty to perform before your retirement: groom others to take over from you one day. A good leader is one whose absence is not felt by the organization because he/she has groomed and nurtured people to take over in his/her absence.”
He charged them not to be selfish but sell their expertise and knowledge for the benefit of our contemporary and urban generations.
”Help form, nurture and groom the youth, the future leaders. Identify people with the expected potentials and capabilities and train them. Your absence should never create an administrative gap but an opportunity for others to continue. Don’t deceive yourself to be the epitome of wisdom and knowledge. No human being is indispensable. A succession plan is key for development, growth and stability of any given organization or society.”
He further asked them to leave behind positive attributes adding, ”win for yourself reputable laurels in your area of work. Make a remarkable impact and difference before you exit. Whatever you do today, you are sewing a seed to be harvested by your children in future. Take decisions and actions that always lead to growth and stability of the organization, society or the country. Be careful the way you treat people, especially your subordinates and handle resources of an organization or the country when you have power and authority. Remember, the tadpole is a potential future frog. Be always guided by the right conscience.
Whatever position you occupy, know that you are a steward and caretaker. You are accountable to God and the society.”
He commended the retired senior officer saying the Service was grateful for ”your inputs and contributions in building and restoring the image of the service”.